Local Setup

If you do not wish to use a development container and/or you’d prefer to set up your development environment on your local system, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Download the WASI SDK and decompress it somewhere. Ensure that your $PATH variable is prefixed with this location when you are running the build commands suggested in this tutorial. For example, assuming you installed the WASI SDK in /opt/wasi-sdk, at the command prompt, you can type (assuming your are using bash/zsh):

    • export PATH=/opt/wasi-sdk/bin:$PATH
  • Download and install the Rust toolchain:

    • curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

    • source $HOME/.cargo/env

  • Download and install the wit-bindgen program:

    • cargo install --git https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen wit-bindgen-cli
  • Download and install the cargo-wasi plugin:

    • cargo install cargo-wasi
  • (Optional) If you would like to use the testing tool writ and the deployment tool pushwasm, please follow the installation instructions in their respective repositories and ensure they are in your $PATH.

For a more detailed walkthrough on setting up for local development, also consider checking out David Lee's blog entry here.

Next, let's pick an example to work through.