Standalone Container Setup

This container provides a standalone shell environment configured with a variety of Wasm development tools. It will mount the directory of your choosing.

  1. Ensure that the wasm-toolkit repository has been cloned.

  2. Create a subdirectory for the code in this tutorial. This can be anywhere. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll assume it is in /home/$USER/wasm-tutorial.

  3. At your command prompt, change to the root directory of the wasm-toolkit repository and type scripts/dev-shell /home/$USER/wasm-tutorial. Ensure that the argument reflects the actual path of the directory you created in the above step.

  4. You should now see the following prompt:

[dev-shell]:~/src %

The src directory has been mounted from /home/$USER/wasm-tutorial (or whatever alternative directory you specified in step 3). It is not necessary to write the code for this tutorial inside the container's shell; you may use your preferred editing workflow for this. However, please do be sure to run all suggested build and deployment commands inside the container's shell so that you have access to the necessary tools.

Next, let's pick an example to work through.