Testing the power-of Example

The writ utility provides a convenient way for us to test our Wasm function in isolation before we load it into the database. It accepts JSON-formatted arguments on the command-line, casts them to the actual types defined in the Wasm function, and then passes them in.

Let's make sure our power-of program is working correctly by doing a few spot-tests. The examples below assume that the power.wasm file exists in the current directory. If you are using a Rust build, your Wasm file will be located at target/wasm32-wasi/debug/power.wasm.

$ writ --wit power.wit ./power.wasm power-of 2 3

$ writ --wit power.wit ./power.wasm power-of 2 0

$ writ --wit power.wit ./power.wasm power-of 0 0

$ writ --wit power.wit ./power.wasm power-of 0 2

$ writ --wit power.wit ./power.wasm power-of 2 -3

Except for the last attempt, the function seems to work correctly. To keep this example simple, we'll just assume that negative exponents won't be provided.

Now, we're ready to deploy.