Deploying the split-str Example

Now that you've compiled and tested your Wasm function, it is ready for deployment into the database. This can be done in multiple ways. The easiest is probably to use the pushwasm tool, included in the wasm-toolkit development containers. Alternatively, you can "pull" the Wasm module into the database by first uploading it to cloud storage (SingleStoreDB supports pulling Wasm modules from multiple cloud providers -- GCS, Azure, and S3). We'll discuss both techniques.

Before we start, ensure that a destination database is available. To do this, using your favorite SQL client, create a new database called wasm_tutorial. For example, you might use the following statements:

CREATE DATABASE wasm_tutorial;
USE wasm_tutorial;
  • To deploy the split-str example using the pushwasm tool, please see here.
  • To deploy the split-str example from cloud storage, please see here.